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发布时间: 2024-02-21 09:02:19

B.To work hard as ever.

C.To go out with him.

(4)What did they talk about on the way home?




(5)Why did George say the stars were at his foot?

A.Because he and his friend were high in the sky.

B.Because he was looking down at the reflections of the stars on the surface of the water.

C.Because he was very happy to have passed the exams.








(1)由“when he passed all his exams,his friend Jim went to give him congratulations”意为当他通过了所有的考试,他的朋友Jim前去祝贺他,本题询问什么时间Jim去看望了George,故选A。

(2)由“It's boring always studying andnever enjoying oneself”意为它总是无聊的学习并且从不自我享受,这是朋友Jim对George说的话,并且邀请George晚上和他一起外出,George也回答认为朋友说的或许是对的,题目问根据George的情况哪一句是真实的,可知选C。

(3)由“Come out with me this evening”意为今天晚上和我一起出去吧,由本题问句George问Jim晚上怎么做,可知选C和他一起外出。

(4)由“They're the stars,George。”意为他们是星星。本题问句意为他们在回去的路上讨论了什么,他们讨论的是星星,可知选C。

(5)由“George looked down at the river below very carefully,the starswere reflected on its surface”意为George仔细的看河下面,星光倒映在水面上,本题问为什么George说星星在他的脚下,可知选B。易错提示:第1题如果不通读第一、二段综合理解文章意思,易在时间判断上混淆,即分不清Jim是什么时候前去看望George,是在他考试前还是考试后,易选错C选项。



The story is about two mice.They are friends.One mouse lives in the country.The other lives in the city.One day they meet each other.The one in the country says,“Come and have look at my house.”They come to a house in a field.The country mouse gives the city mouse nice food.But the city mouse says.“This food is not good.Yomust come and live with me inthe city.”

So they go to the house of the city mouse.It is a very good house.Nice food is ready(准备)for them to eat.But just when they begin to eat,they hear a great noise.“Run!Run!The cat is coming!”the two friends run away quickly.After some time,they go out.The country mouse says to the city mouse,“I don't like to live in the city.It's dangerous.”

(1)The two mice live.

A.in the same place

B.in different places

C.in the city

D.in the county

(2)The city mouse.

A.wants to live with the country mouse

B.lives with the country mouse for a long time

C.gets nothing to eat from the country mouse

D.doesn't like the food of the country mouse's

(3)They city mouse asks the country mouse to his house,doesn't he?

A.No,he isn't.

B.Yes,he does.

C.No,he doesn't.

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