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发布时间: 2023-05-05 11:44:32




In contemporary society, a multitude of people are increasingly aware of the fundamentality of maintaining health, so as to enjoying better life quality and longevity. In order to possess a healthy body, not only need we keep a nutritious diet and adequate sleep, it is crucial for individuals to form the habit of exercising regularly, as sports and health are intrinsically connected. Doing sports will greatly increase people's metabolism, and strengthen our physique. Sports also help to refresh people's mind from brainwork all day and night, and even more surprisingly, exercising can stimulate people's brains to work more actively and creatively. Overall, sports are not the business of a small group of athletes, but a life-long pursuit that every person should bear in mind and endeavor to put it into practice. Not only do sports benefit individuals, the improvement of the nation's health would be a huge contribution to our country's development.

We might also cite an allegorical story. It is said that an individual’s life is accompanied with five balls, which are lover, family, career, health and friend. Lover, family, career and friends are all rubber balls, consequently, it could bound back when falling to ground. On the contrast, health is the unique glass ball, which is fragile enough to be ruined with a single drop.

The increasingly sedentary lifestyle will engender a higher incidence of ailments. More overweight people means more patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases such as vein hardening, diabetes and hypertension.


People are concerned about the efficiency with the accelerating tempo of life. The more the better. The fast the better. In this regard, _ takes the top priority. For instance, whenever people click on a search engine and key in a few words into the search box, they will get huge amounts of information. The amazing thing is, all the searching is done in a few seconds, which spares people a great deal of time to enjoy the entertainment such as body-building, watching opera or a movie in their leisure time.


Telecommuting(在家办公) can spare workers the everyday chore of traveling back and forth to work.

Global cultural homogeneity has immensely enriched the lives of the denizens in developing countries. For instance, now Holly wood blockbusters typically get their first screening in China within a couple of days after their American premiere, and youths in China can download singles topping billboard charts from the Internet without having to scout around in a CD store. Enhanced TV connectivity affords Chinese viewers chances to see primetime American TV shows. This ease of access to a multitude of foreign amusements has really brightened up the lives of many.



The technology revolution is upon us. In the past, there have been many triumphs in the world of technology. To this date, people are able to communicate over thousands of miles with the greatest of ease. The Internet connects nearly 400 million users worldwide and is an essential part of how we work, play, communicate, and conduct commerce. We use the Internet in ways that seemed unimaginable in the past.


local information barriers

literacy barriers

language barriers

cultural diversity barriers


The Internet provides convenience for people to learn at home. Internet based training gas become a common business tool used to gain advancements in current jobs. Tutoring over the Internet is also available. Business on the Internet is a growing technology. Business on the Internet has no geographic boundaries; it has access to more consumers. Approximately 150 businesses join the Internet every day. There is less labor force needed and it is open 24 hours a day. The Internet is also a bigger and cheaper way to advertise. In the past 20 years, the Internet has changed a number of areas in society, especially the business world. In the last 40 years, the Internet has gone from a method of defense communication for the government, to a business venture for an entrepreneur or a fortune 500-company. The Internet is a way for gaining consumers, products and capital for a business.

In a world of light-speed data transmission, any individual with little training and expertise can make a fortune from the Internet. Many companies, like Amazon.com or eBay, thrive from business done through Internet transactions.


data leakage

virus infringe one’s privacy

national security


The Internet has many great uses, but, as anything else, negative things can be done there as well. The beauty of the Internet is that it is so large that it’s nearly impossible to keep track of what bad things everyone is doing. A few examples are someone can steal a cell phone and then by using the Internet, they can reprogram the telephone to work off someone’s account and not be traced. Other examples are the pirates of software. Someone can get a program that Microsoft sells for about one thousand dollars for free and it can’t be traced. There is another fact that nearly anything can be traded online, like drugs, weapons such as high power guns, bombs, and the list for these items goes on and on. One of the worst things that the police really want to get their hands on is Child Pornography. It is not so hard to keep track of when people had to go out and hand deliver this stuff, but through the Internet the scum who partake in this don’t have to leave their homes. A big problem is the fact that underage kids can see what they are not meant to. This does not just end up back at porn though; there are images of extreme violence on humans and animals.


Philosophical debates have arisen over the present and future use of technology in society, with disagreements over whether technology improves the human condition or worsens it. Neo-Luddism, anarcho-primitivism, and similar movements criticize the pervasiveness of technology in the modern world, claiming that it harms the environment and alienates people; proponents of ideologies such as trans-humanism and techno-progressivism view continued technological progress as beneficial to society and the human condition. Indeed, until recently, it was believed that the development of technology was restricted only to human beings, but recent scientific studies indicate that other primates and certain dolphin communities have developed simple tools ad learned to pass their knowledge to other generations.


Technology allows families living in different locations to stay in touch with each other. Filipinos are now able to sent text messages to their relatives in the United States and Europe. Singaporeans who are working overseas are able to keep in touch with their families back home via the Internet. Children of expatriate Laos are able to learn more about their parents’ home country via the Internet.


环境话题: 政府职责(所有政府类题目通吃) A. Public enthusiasm for improving the environment often lacks necessary expertise and funding that only comes from the more established, well-funded government organizations dedicated to the work.

B. Governments can promote public transport usage, use cleaner burning and renewable energy, encourage recycling by example and through active enforcement, watch hazardous substance discharges, and prevent developments that cause water contamination and soil erosion.

C. Governments and big enterprises are responsible for most of the environmental problems and therefore should take the lead in resolving these issues.

个人职责: A. The public has the biggest stake in environmental protection and is, therefore, the biggest driving force behind environment undertakings. Local communities, non-governmental protection bodies, as well as every single citizen all need to do their part.

B. While important policy decisions are needed at the national level, there are many things that everybody can do and should do, to reduce waste as well as their individual and household impact on the environment.

C. Public involvement could provide an indispensable supplement to scarce government resources and serve to supervise government agencies as well.


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